Purdie’s Guide to Moving House with Pets
No one has ever said that moving is their favourite thing. The process can be stressful, tiring and expensive and when you add pets into the mix, you know it’s going to be more difficult. However, pets are part of the family and you need to cater to their needs as well as your own when carrying out the house packing and moving so at Purdie Worldwide, top UK removals company, we thought we’d share our tips for moving house with pets with all of you, including your dog Bailey or cat Bella!

1. Find someone to help look after your pet
When Moving House with Pets, you will need to check on your pet from time to time. If this isn’t going to be easy then try and get someone else to take the pet for the day, such as a relative or friend. If someone takes them out then they’ll be out from under your feet and you won’t have to worry about them.
If that’s not possible, try tip no.2 for moving house with pets!

2. Find a quiet space for your pet
Even if you have a very well behaved animal, they are likely to get in the way during house removals. They are by their nature quite curious, unless you have fish, who probably won’t even notice! For other animals, it’s best to find a quiet room, preferably in your new home, where they can be comfortable.
Add their home comforts to the room such as toys, water, food and bedding. It’s important they are familiar with the place they’ll be in or they may get distressed. Ideal advice when Moving House with Pets!

3. Make sure your pet is safe
If you haven’t had your pet micro-chipped then now is a good time. Also invest in an ID tag, so people can return to sender if they go missing. Make sure that you have your address updated and any other relevant details so that if they wander off they can be easily identified, particularly by new neighbours who may not be familiar with your pet.

4. Check your new home for escape routes
Our tip number 4 for moving house with pets is to keep your pets under control! Pets have their ways and means of finding gaps, especially when you least expect it (i.e. are distracted with moving and unpacking). Don’t let them run around the garden until you have checked for anything that might harm them.

5. Don’t expect them to adapt immediately
It will take your pet some time to adjust to the new place, so be sure to give them time to do that. Bring them over to explore beforehand and have some relaxing time there. Don’t get mad if they cause some disturbances or chew up some cushions! Try not to leave them alone for long periods of time as this can cause them to get anxious. Give them treats and help them get settled in your new place.

6. Keep their routine
Another key tip for Moving House with Pets is to keep walking and feeding your animals at the same time. The upset to their routine will not go unnoticed. Cats are more relaxed about these things, as they are more independent but be sure to let them explore the new place before you move in.
If you’d like to know how we can help you and your pets move safely into your new property, get in touch. On 01506 652 792 or email info@purdieworldwide.co.uk.
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